Happy Spring everyone!
The pollen has been dreadful in GA this year but seeing everything bloom and the great weather makes it worth it. Switching gears this month to talk about motherhood and ways that we can be the best parents to our children.
Step 1: Unlocking your hurt and transitioning to a better and healthy you for your children.
Everyone has trauma, it looks different in every person but dealing with and unlocking your hurt is the key to raising healthy children who can deal with and process their feelings. Too many times we bury our own hurt in hopes that we don't have to deal with it but ultimately it traps us in a certain place in our lives and until we can release it to God, forgive and move on you will continue to pass the hurt on to your babies. I have learned this first hand. I started my healing journey in March of 2020.
After getting a therapist and changing my eating habits, I was able to unlock so many things that I didn't know actually had an affect on my relationships with people and my son.
If you are not quite ready to go to a therapist you can try the tips below. According to Chopra, these are five steps of healing emotional trauma:
Be Willing to Heal
Accept Support From Loved Ones
Seek The Assistance of Trained Professionals
Practice Meditation and Mindfulness
Incorporate Movement Into Your Daily Routine
Read more about healing and co-parenting here.
Step 2: Read and/or learn something new
Recently I have started reading a lot about important topics that affect me and my son. Primarily books on his speech disorder and healing my mind and body. For Tristan, I have ordered some all-new children's books as well. As we both continue to explore new topics, get engulfed in stories, and simply limit a lot of screen time we picked up I have come to enjoy taking an hour to read each night personally and my son loves the hour of reading we do before his bedtime. We all live busy lives but it's important to have quiet time with yourself and thoughts on this journey (this goes for you and your child).
Your thoughts are a direct reflection of what you consume oftentimes, so adding books whether informational, nonfiction, fiction or etc. truly aids in the overall healing of our minds, body, and spirit. I found some great books of affirmations for boys and adults and I'll be sharing my top 5 books of affirmation at the end of the month. So stay tuned!
Here are three affirmations that I always start my day with!
Step 3: Make a plan for your solution and execute
Make a plan for how you plan to show up for yourself!
Always! Whether adding something new to your routine or eliminating things from your routine make sure you take it one day at a time, one task at a time. It is so easy to get caught up in the steps to reach your goals and let's face it sometimes being a single mom feels like a job that you can not tackle any more responsibility to but I am here to tell you, you can mama! It will take discipline and hard work but with a solid plan, faith, and consistency you will start to change your mindset. Positive things will start to navigate to you and all the things that are not meant for your good will start to disappear from your life. Because everything is truly about mindset. This year has truly been about healing myself to become a better mom, person, teacher, and leader. My plan to achieve this and will always be getting closer to God (or higher power in which you believe) and truly understanding his plan for your life.
Be sure to stay tuned in this month for new posts all about motherhood and healing. Be sure to also subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay updated on all things Millennial Momme.